Channel Island company’s plan for Europe’s biggest nuclear shelter

ITV’s occupation drama Enemy at the Door had its national debut, Sark was designated a dark sky island, making it one of the best places in the world to watch the night sky with the naked eye, and ferry passengers were stranded when rough seas made it too dangerous to dock.

The lighthouse keepers at Hanois were cut off for so long food started running short, a Jersey beggar got more than he bargained for, and a Channel Islands company announced plans for the biggest nuclear shelter in Europe.

All this and more in the Channel Islands history this week.

The Channel Islands this week
Cows hosting a podcast

Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney: little islands with big stories to tell. They’ve seen earthquakes and witchcraft trials, been caught up in the English civil war, faced invasion from France, and welcomed the Beatles and Rolling Stones on tour. From the construction of Corbiere Lighthouse and Victor Hugo’s flight to Guernsey, to the day a UFO appeared above Alderney, all of these stories and more feature in the Channel Islands’ remarkable history. Subscribe today.

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