Channel Television disappears

Channel Television disappeared from the airwaves, Guernsey featured in the Channel Four gameshow Treasure Hunt, and Sibyl Beaumont, who would go on to rule Sark for almost five decades, was born. Jersey’s Fort Regent was nearly destroyed by a fierce blaze that came close to igniting the arsenal, an 80-year-old murderer died after suffering a heart attack in court, and the man who devised St Helier’s sewage system ducked out at a terribly early age.

The Channel Islands this week
Cows hosting a podcast

Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney: little islands with big stories to tell. They’ve seen earthquakes and witchcraft trials, been caught up in the English civil war, faced invasion from France, and welcomed the Beatles and Rolling Stones on tour. From the construction of Corbiere Lighthouse and Victor Hugo’s flight to Guernsey, to the day a UFO appeared above Alderney, all of these stories and more feature in the Channel Islands’ remarkable history. Subscribe today.

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