Monarch beheaded in Channel Islands knitwear

The Channel Islands lead the way, as the first post boxes in the British Isles are erected in the Bailiwicks, and Mary Queen of Scots climbs the steps to her execution at Fotheringay castle wearing stockings knitted in Guernsey.

A boat load of Jersey fishermen have a nasty surprise when they discover a coffin, complete with its corpse, floating in the ocean, and the Channel Islands are hit by the most severe storm they’ve experienced in 35 years, causing damage to buildings and ripping up trees.

A Guernsey watchmaker travels to London to help police with their inquiries into the theft of the Stone of Scone, and Jersey has its wrists slapped by the Home Office when it refuses to take part in a survey that being conducted throughout the Empire.

The Channel Islands this week
Cows hosting a podcast

Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney: little islands with big stories to tell. They’ve seen earthquakes and witchcraft trials, been caught up in the English civil war, faced invasion from France, and welcomed the Beatles and Rolling Stones on tour. From the construction of Corbiere Lighthouse and Victor Hugo’s flight to Guernsey, to the day a UFO appeared above Alderney, all of these stories and more feature in the Channel Islands’ remarkable history. Subscribe today.

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